Background removal results

Free Background Remover

Delete backgrounds using AI with one click! It couldn't be any easier. Select your photo below and wait for the magic to happen.

How it works


Upload an Image

Upload any JPEG or PNG image right here on this page, through our API or in Baseline Studio

Our AI Gets to Work

Wait while our Artificial Intelligence works on removing the background from your image

Bye Background

Voila! The background from your image is now gone and you can place the image on whatever background you want

Background Remover API Beta

Intergrate our Background Remover API with your systems simply and cheaply.

It's currently free to use, while in Beta

Get started
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About this tool

Baseline Background Remover is a quick and easy way to remove the background from any picture with a clear focal point. It can save you from hours of manual work by removing the background from an image using Artificial Intelligence.

Background Remover Newsletter

Stay up to date on our Background Remover services. We will send updates to this newsletter whenever there are new additions to our Background Remover API.

Baseline has more than just a background remover

Baseline makes designing content incredibly simple and ensures that your brand/company/product looks professional. It helps you create a solid brand guide by guiding you through a few simple steps, which you can then leverage into creating stunning, on-brand designs with only a single click. You can easily remove background from any image from within Baseline Studio.

Create a Better BrandIt's free to get started!
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