Hi everybody,
We've made a lot of small changes and improvements recently, we're setting things up to shift gears a little bit and make some much needed improvements to the design editor, and plan to start work on a big new feature that we will tell you more about as we get closer to publishing it (hint: It's very popular on our wishlist).
We also published the first article in our new blog series Branding Fundamentals. The first article explains the process of turning an idea into a successful brand by emphasizing the importance of a clear purpose and knowing the target audience. It introduces five key brand pillars and advises focusing on essential branding elements like logo and naming while considering the audience's preferences and resource allocation for success.
Also on our blog is a new interview with one of our customers, Sunny Paradesh at Solace Media. They use Baseline as their central location to manage all of their clients' brands and say it has significantly improved their processes of brand management. If you would like your company to be featured in an interview, please fill out this form.
In other news, here's some new features in Baseline:

Black and White for logo variants
You can now try to make a black and white version automatically for any Logo variant. This is saves a lot of time and was suggested by one our users, special thanks go out to them for bringing this little enhancement to our attention.

Keyboard shortcuts documentation within Baseline Design Editor
Clicking on the new keyboard icon in the top right corner will bring up the keyboard shortcut. We will be adding more keyboard shortcuts in the coming months so check it every once in a while to learn about new shortcuts.

Team Names are shown for brands
Names of teams that brands belong to now show up below the brand name in the brand list, and above the brand name in the brand dashboard. This helps you understand which team a brand belongs to, if any.
Other Improvements
Google Fonts has been updated with new fonts, like Inter Tight among others
Baseline Studio has improved mobile interactions, you can move things around
If a logo has more than 20 colors, Baseline will only add the 20 most common colors to the brand
White Variants have correct background colors
Removing team templates now works properly
Permission issues causing designs to be not editable by brand owners
Creating a blank design automatically selects the current brand, rather than asking you to select one.