Publisher, Our Social Media Scheduler is now in Beta

Aug 24, 2024 — Gilli Sigurdsson

Big news: Our Social Media Scheduling tool is finally in Open Beta and live for your account. We call it Publisher, and it's a big step in our long-term vision for Baseline. Now, you can save even more time when producing content for your brand since you can send on-brand designs straight to social media with the click of a button.

It's currently limited to Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, but more channels are coming soon. You can use it to edit posts for multiple channels at once. It's a bit rough around the edges, but the functionality is there.

If you try it, let us know how you like it, and if you encounter any issues, definitely be in touch.

Gallery improvements.

Brand Galleries is now more flexible and supports more image layouts. You can now add pretty much any number of images and display them on their own or make a collage with up to six images per collage section.

You can also control whether collages have a gap between the images. This can create a slightly different artistic style.

Other Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing Asset Library to take too long to load and was flashing loading states on and off.

  • We reverted back to the old PDF export rendering engine since new one was not handling fonts accurately, or at all actually. So if you were having some issues with fonts in your exports, please try again now and let us know if you have any issues.

Gilli Sigurdsson

Gilli Sigurdsson

Gilli Sigurdsson is the founder and CEO at Baseline. He likes to write about design, productivity, branding, but occasionally he will talk about the bad weather in Iceland.

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